America’s Spirituality

(Their are some pictures below of some Christians being persecuted so some pictures may be graphic to some viewers;Viewer discretion is advised.)

This country is currently drowning in immortality by several states saying that marriage isn’t only between a woman and a man, murder (abortion) is becoming more of an option, preachers are preaching a Christ less gospel and the head leader of this country is doing nothing to protect Christians with the freedom of religion bill.

I want to start off by discussing the president, Obama, he has told the world over and over again that he is a Christian but his fruits say otherwise. Matthew 7:16 says “You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?

Obama is claiming to be a Christian but while millions of Christians are being killed daily Obama is doing NOTHING! If Muslims were being killed like this h e would have launched  a national campaign against that .

Neither Christians or Muslims should be killed for their religion but by being a Christian you are the light of the world so naturally the world won’t like you that’s why Jesus said in John 15:18-27.

18 “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also.

21 But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 He who hates Me hates My Father also.

24 If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen and also hated both Me and My Father. 25 But this happened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law, ‘They hated Me without a cause.26 “But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me. 27 And you also will bear witness, because you have been with me from the beginning.

Now that you see that Jesus was hated first it should make more sense to you why Christians are being persecuted.

Christians are being mocked every where from the media to the pulpit. I know that sounds weird when I say from the pulpit but let me explain.

Anytime a pastor tells someone that they need to pray to Mary in order to get into heaven they are mocking Christ. In one of my previous posts I go in detail about the bible verses that show Mary accepting Jesus as her Lord and Savior.

The Catholic Church has allowed anti Christian ideologies to  creep into their church throughout the years consequently misleading millions of souls. Praying to Mary is one prime example of idolatry worship. To pray to someone else is idolatry and God hates idolatry! Some people may say that they aren’t praying to Mary they are just honoring her ;If you have a statue of anyone that is showing that you think so highly of a person that you want a statue of them. Some people have statues of Jesus but that is not needed because Jesus is alive and well unlike idol gods so you don’t have to go pray to a statue you can have a conversation with him like you would with anyone else.

People pray to biblical figures like Saint Paul, Mary , John the Baptist, etc.; when in reality they are praying to dead people who don’t have a Heaven or Hell to put them in. Their were many witnesses who said they saw Jesus resurrect ,and no they weren’t having hallucinations(Some people who try their best to deny Jesus’ existence will make up any theory.)

(The image above is the image of Jesus’ tomb {Where he was buried.}but he is no longer their now .)

Jesus appeared 12 times to different group sizes ranging from just one person to 500 people.(Biblical Proof)

” 1) Mary Magdalene (Mark 16.9-11; John 20.11-18), Peter in Jerusalem (Luke 24.34; 1 Cor. 15.5), Jesus’ brother (insider skeptic) James (1 Cor. 15.7).

“And they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulchre; for they trembled and were amazed: neither said they any thing to any [man]; for they were afraid” (Mark 16.8). Some of the New Testament authors explicitly claimed to be eyewitnesses to Jesus’ resurrection (and transfiguration).

Peter said, “We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty” (2 Pet. 2.16). John also said, “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched…we proclaim to you what we have seen and heard” (1 John 1.1,3).

2) The other women at the tomb (Matthew 28.8-10).

3) The two travelers on the road (Mark 16.12,13; Luke 24.13-34).

4) Ten disciples behind closed doors (Mark 16.14; Luke 24.35-43; John 20.19-25).

5) All the disciples, with Thomas, excluding Judas Iscariot (John 20.26-31; 1 Cor. 15.5).

6) Seven disciples while fishing (John 21.1-14).

7) Eleven disciples on the mountain (Matthew 28.16-20).

8) A crowd of 500 “most of whom are still alive” at the time of Paul writing (1 Cor. 15.6). This may have been the same group as in Matt. 28.16: the rendezvous was to “to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them.” Unlike the other accounts which were unexpected and by surprise, and to gather such a large number of people, this meeting was held outdoors. The women were told to tell the disciples to meet Jesus in Galilee as well. “And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted” (Matt. 28.17) may be a reference to many present, both believers and non-believers.

Paul had firsthand contact with them. So it was not a legend. He knew some of the people had died in the interim, but most were still alive. He is saying in effect they are still around to be questioned. You can talk to some of the witnesses. He never could have made this challenge if this event had not occurred.

9) “Then to all the apostles” (1 Cor. 15.7) which includes the Twelve plus all the other apostles.

10) Jesus appeared to the disciples in Jerusalem (Luke 24.44-49).

11) Those who watched Jesus ascend to heaven (Mark 16.19,20; Luke 24.50-53; Acts 1.3-8).

12) Least of all Paul (outsider skeptic) with others present and as though he was not living in the proper time (1 Cor. 15.8-9; Gal. 1.13-16; Acts 9.1-8, 22.9, read all of chapters 22 and 26; 13.30-37; 1 Cor. 15.10-20; Gal. 2.1-10). “

My point of getting all of that information(All of this info can be backed up by The Bible, as you can see I put the Bible verses right next to the statements. ) is to say Jesus is ALIVE and WELL. Praying to anyone except for Jesus or God will lead you to hell because you are putting someone ahead of Jesus and he never put anyone ahead of us.

So many people ,particularly Roman Catholics, pray to people besides Jesus thinking they are doing something holy when in reality they are doing evil(idolatry).

We as Christians should fought ourselves for this because we have allowed pagan traditions to come into the church . (In one of my last post I did an article about celebrating Easter, Christmas ,and other holidays) .

Now that we have briefly discussed pagan holidays I am now going to discuss one of the most controversial topics of the 21st century and that is abortion .

If you are reading this now someone believed you deserved a chance so why not give that baby a chance? Nowadays people don’t look at it like that they think babies are just a big blob of fat but in reality they are as human as me and you.

The feminist have people believing that women should have the right to kill their children because they come from their body but if the same ideology was applied to the members of the feminist groups then they wouldn’t be here. Satan is here to kill, steal and destroy according to John 10:10 and that’s exactly what Planned Parenthood has been doing since their existence.

Planned Parenthood steals lives from  innocent babies,  they destroy future memories by taking the babies’ life and they kill the babies by destroying their bodies.  Doesn’t that sound like something Satan would do ?

The risks of abortion

People have been trying to justify evil doings since the beginning of the time and it definitely doesn’t end with Planned Parenthood. Last year Obama made the news because while he was at Planned Parenthood he said God bless Planned Parenthood.

This outraged many people as it should have because not only did he mock God but he(Obama) thinks abortion is something cool.

Planned Parenthood has such a unique name because it says that the Parenthood was planned but in reality its Planned Murder hood.  This is something we as  a nation should discuss because if we continue I allow this nation to murder innocent babies what legacy will we have?

A nation that kills its own future will have nothing left for the future.When I say kill it’s future I mean we are killing so many babies that their won’t be enough people to work to fund social security and other programs ;Of course you aren’t going to hear that on the mainstream media news you’re just going to hear a million reasons why women should be able to choose to murder their own children.

These are just a few things I want to discuss in this post but stay tuned because there’s so much more to come.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog and add it to your favorites so you stay updated with all of the new posts.

Don’t be deceived

Don’t Be Deceived

For years people have viewed the pope as holy as Jesus but those same people who look at the pope that way are very quiet about the Muslim prayers that were declared within the Vatican.

That’s right you read that correctly the Pope, the guy who is supposedly as holy as Jesus, prayed to an idol god, Allah ! This is nothing but a preparation for the New World Order . They are trying to initiate a one world religion by combining Catholicism and Islam. Another thing that the media has been quiet about is Joel Osteen’s visit with the pope. .

The same pope that prays to false gods is teaming up with the pastor of America’s fastest growing church.  The quote, “The same birds flock together. ” is so true in this scenario it’s scary.  Joel Osteen who is best known for his different type of preaching ideologies is friends with one of the most popular New-Agers and the anti-Christ ( The anti-Christ doesn’t have to be one person anyone who denies Jesus is son of God is the anti-Christ .), Oprah Winfrey.

Oprah Winfrey , a former Christian , is known for her new age beliefs is friends with Joel Osteen!

It’s nothing wrong with Joel Osteen being associates with Oprah Winfrey but when a known new age occultist beliefs match up with a “pastor’s ” belief  system that’s when we have a problem .

Now let me elaborate myself on what I mean when I say friends. A Christian should do their best to keep friends who are on the same Christian journey as they are on. The reason so many people never make it to the next level in life and/or their Christian journey is because they stay friends with people who continue to drag them down.

If you come in contact with someone who doesn’t believe in God its okay to explain who he is you don’t have to run away full speed when you come in contact with a non-believer. After all Christians are called to be fishers of men.

The name of this post is named , “Don’t Be Deceived” but I’m going to be talking about more than deception.  I try to keep the posts short and sweet but whatever God inspires me to write it must come down on paper.

Now for some reason their have been Christians marrying outside of their religion!  That is something we should never do because The Bible tells us that we shouldn’t be unequally yoked(2 Corinthians 6:14).  If you are an authentic believer in Christ you should know that he will give you the desires of  your heart (If their for your good.) (Psalms 37:4).

To make sure we aren’t being sugar-coated let’s look at the entire verse.  The beginning of  that verse says Take DELIGHT in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Since Christianity has been so tainted with sugar-coated preaching people believe that Jesus is this person who you go to when you need stuff.

That is not true;You are supposed to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and  obey ALL of  his  commandments and then he will give you the desires of your heart. If you have an AUTHENTIC relationship with Jesus then you know he will send you someone of the same religion.  Let’s keep in mind that Jesus only does  heterosexual relationships, Satan does homosexual relationships.

(The image above is an image of Sodom and Gomorrah.)

Many people will be deceived by the anti-Christ and his tactics because they choose to believe that The Bible is a book made up of fables .The part that is so sad about people in America is many people have access to The Bible and they don’t believe it but their are millions of Christians overseas that want The Bible but don’t have access to it ! According to a poll taken by Gallup only 28% of Americans believe the Bible is the actual word of God. Yes you read that correctly only 28% of Americans.

Even demons know that God exists and they tremble at that fact(James 2:19)! Even Satan knows that Jesus is Lord and their is only one God but he will cause a person to question God’s existence. This is why it is very important for Christians to read The Bible (excluding the NIV Bible and the NLT, I have discussed this topic in my previous post but I will talk about it more in my next post) and listen to Christ filled teachings not a sermon that is filled with New Age feel good doctrine.

In Revelations 20:4 it talks about people being decapitated(to have your head cut off) because they didn’t accept the mark of the beast. That verse is talking about anyone who had not accepted Christ before the rapture. The rapture is when all Christians will be joined together in the air to go to heaven while all of the bad things happen on earth(1 Thessalonians 4:7). I don’t know about you but I prefer to be gone with the rapture versus being decapitated for accepting Christ. Why wait and be decapitated for accepting Christ when you can do it right now without being decapitated?

Satan is telling you that you have all the time in the world to get right with God but God tells us in James 4:13-15 that we are nothing but fog (not literally ) and tomorrow is not guaranteed so if God is telling us that tomorrow is not guaranteed why would you put of getting right with God? When I say tomorrow is not guaranteed I mean it’s no promise that you will be alive tomorrow, according to God’s word not mines.

Christians are being killed by the thousands daily overseas as I type this sentence now. You probably think I am exaggerating because you haven’t heard anything about this on your mainstream media “news” .Do you really expect to hear about how bad Christians are being treated on a station owned by Satanists.

Jesus said multiple times in The Bible, “Don’t be deceived.” He knew their would be people who would smile and claim they were sent from God to preach but in reality they were sent from Satan to preach a Christ-less message.It’s almost election time again in Washington and politicians are about to make those same “feel good “speeches that won’t “ feel good” when the truth kicks in. We as Christians have got to start checking these politicians voting records to make sure they are pro-life and pro-traditional marriage.Their have been many politicians who once stood against gay marriage and for traditional marriage but they couldn’t take the criticism so they backed down and stood for gay marriage and against traditional marriage.

This country can not and will not survive if we continue going the route we are going now. Some people listen to news outlets like MSNBC and they think we are doing okay but that is a total lie !According to John 8:44 Satan is a liar and he is the father of them. Satan is so good at telling lies he makes them sound like the truth but if you are a child of God you should know the difference between a lie and the truth.

Just because it looks innocent does not mean that it is innocent. If you are a parent or know someone who has children share my previous posts about Disney Channel with them. Disney channel is known their subliminal and occult messages ;It may sound like a conspiracy theory but even the Southern Baptist Convention called Disney out on their pro-gay and anti-family productions .

I realize their are many different religions out their and Disney can’t just choose one  to favor but to attack everything Christianity stands for is wrong and unacceptable!

I hope you have enjoyed this post and  search my blog for some of my older posts ; Feel free to express your comments, concerns, opinions, etc. on anything I discuss on my blog. Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog and add it to your favorites.

Conspiracy Theories,Common Core, Disney Channel, & the New World Order




*Jesus is alive and well and he is the ONLY way into heaven.

*Disney channel has a strong history with the occult and they put subliminal messages in all of their shows , movies, and songs. {If you don’t believe me just Google Disney Illuminati and one million results will appear under 30 seconds. { Galatians 6:7 -“Don’t be deceived .}

*Many pastors especially televangelists are 33rd degree masons which is why the prosperity gospel is so common .

*The creator of Disney Channel was a 33rd degree mason{33rd degree masons view Satan as their God.}

**This is the longest post I have ever done so I have given a few highlights to sort of give you an idea on what this post is all about.

In Galatians 6:7 it says ,” Don’t be deceived , God is not mocked, Whatever a man sows he shall reap.”That verse is very self-explanatory what ever you reap you shall sow and whatever you sow you have already reaped.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence. It's no wonder why these signs are pushed so heavily through Hollyweird.
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. It’s no wonder why these signs are pushed so heavily through Hollyweird.

That verse also says don’t be deceived.God already knew people would be deceived because their are people on earth that will deceive people but the good news is God sits high and looks low so you can’t fool a child of God! If you have done wrong to a child of God it may look like you have won but while you busy looking behind you laughing you aren’t looking at the storm that lies ahead.

Many Christians today are deceived by false teachings ( Mormonism, Jehovah Witness, Prosperity Gospel, Some forms of Catholicism, Satanic principles, etc.). I know someone is reading this and their entire belief system has been shaken up because they were brought up believing things that are tradition but tradition can lead you to hell.


When I say tradition I don’t mean a family picnic you do every year I mean a tradition like worshiping and/or praying to Mary instead of Jesus. Any tradition that can not be backed up by The Bible is directly from Satan therefore it is a doctrine of demons.-1 Timothy 4:1

In 1 Timothy 4:1 it says in the later times people will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful,which means to mislead(lies) others,spirits and teachings of demons . God already knew people would be mislead by world known televangelist,celebrities, musicians, etc. this is why he made sure this verse made it to The Bible.

A lot of people today call themselves Christians but they are practicing a religion that is far from the one Jesus established. For example a lot of people, including myself, watch preachers on television ( I am extremely careful who I watch on TV because everyone who calls them-self a pastor really isn’t a pastor.) but you would be surprised at how many of them are 33rd degree masons( I will discuss the association of 33rd degree masons and televangelists in either part 2 .)The-Obama-deception

I am trying to keep this post sweet and short but I will talk about everything God is putting on my heart to discuss so please bear with me.

33rd degree masons believe that Satan is God so when I say mason I don’t want you to get it confused with the masons who work with pottery.   I know you’re probably thinking , “How can they preach about God every Sunday and worship Satan ?” The answer is simple, “They serve two masters.”

Matthew 6:24 says “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

That verse says it all, ” You CAN NOT serve two masters. Over time The Bible has become like trail mix to some, they take the parts they like and throw the parts they don’t like away.  We as Christians ,especially in the 21st century, need to learn just because someone says God is good and God is love doesn’t mean that person is from God.

If you pay close attention to television you will notice most pastors preach a feel good message ;Very few preach sermons that reflect The Bible. God told us over and over that he loved us but he also made it clear what happens when we don’t obey him.

2 Corinthians 11:4 says ,”For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough.” The Bible is a book that shows God’s love and his wrath so to preach one side of The Bible is to preach a different gospel.

When I look at modern-day Christianity I hear the words do not be deceived.  Nowadays we have so many televangelist trying to make people feel good instead of being good. People are literally going to a “feel good” message that is dangerous to the soul.-2 Timothy 4:3-4

In Galatians 6:7 it says ,” Don’t be deceived , God is not mocked, Whatever a man sows he shall reap.”That verse is very self-explanatory what ever you reap you shall sow and whatever you sow you have already reaped.

A lot of televangelists are misleading millions of people by preaching their doctrine of demons every Sunday and then claiming it came from Jesus. The reason I posted Galatians 6:7 again is to remind you that God is not mocked. When you are a 33rd degree mason you are worshiping the devil and he is the enemy . To worship the enemy and say you’re a messenger of God is major mockery and the reaping that is to come from that will be something they will never forget.

Televangelists ( The ones who are 33rd degree masons) get paid to be quiet{ Now you understand he reason they accept ANY and EVERYTHING }; They get paid to support everything evil . Does it now make sense to you why a pastor would all of a sudden support abortion ? He was paid hush money.

The Masons(The Illuminati Masons) had a list of famous masons and they had Billy Graham’s name on the list and that made a lot of people upset. To make sure it wasn’t real people would call his secretary and ask her if he was a mason.

Lets take a moment here and think. The Illuminati are a group of elitists and it’s members are to keep their membership a secret, some members haven’t done a good job of this and as a result they have been “silenced”, and their members come from many different professions. A secretary’s job is to answer the phone, handle confidential data,do her office duties, etc.

Imagine if you were a secretary and someone called you and asked did your boss belong to a secret society ;Would you know how to answer their question ? A secretary’s job is to handle office duties so he or she isn’t going to know how to answer that question. I can tell you one thing and that is the Illuminati does not put people’s name on lists especially the famous people list.

God told us not to be deceived because he knew people would come along and claim to preach his message when in reality they are preaching another gospel. This is a quote from Billy Graham in 1978 which can be found her e:

“I used to play God, but I can’t do that anymore. I used to believe that pagans in far-off countries were lost – were going to hell – if they did not have the gospel of Jesus Christ preached to them. I no longer believe that. I believe that there are other ways of recognizing the existence of God – through nature, for instance – and plenty of other opportunities, therefore, of saying “yes” to God. ( James Michael Beam, “I Can’t Play God Anymore,” McCall’s (January 1978): 158, as cited in a pdf by Kurt A. Edwards in a Dissertation for Doctor of Philosophy at the Bowling Green State University: on pages 65-66.  

Billy Graham’s deception teachings:

Anybody who says Jesus is not Lord is definitely the Antichrist( 1 John 2:22). People think that their will be just one Antichrist but we just read in 1 John 2:22 that ANYBODY who says Jesus is not Lord is the anti-Christ.Their will be an Antichrist who will force people to get 666 written on their forehead but he is not the only anti-Christ.

If you ever hear anyone say anything that contradicts The Bible they are preaching a doctrine of demons. Some pastors have become cunning by mixing The Bible with New Age doctrine that’s why it is good to know Jesus so you will know his voice.-John 10:27

The world ,especially America, has drastically changed in the past thirty years. Families are no longer made up of one dad and one man with two children; Nowadays you have more divorce than marriage and this is a shame because we are teaching future generations that when the going gets tough quit. I understand in some situations you have to go but in a lot of cases divorce could have been prevented.

Although I wasn’t here thirty years ago I have Google and history books and I see that the decline in America began when we decided we didn’t need God anymore. America used to be a place of morals and values not violence and hatred.The Bible tells us that when Jesus comes back it will be like the times of Noah and each day the newspapers become more and more like the back of The Bible.

If you are saved you won’t have to go through the tribulation period .(The link to all of The Bible verses about the Tribulation Period are below. )

The Tribulation Period will produce the pain of  ten million holocausts combined (literally) ;Their will be hell on earth and anyone who refuses the mark will be decapitated (Your head will be chopped off with an ax, the verse is below.)

“Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.” Revelation 20:4  

People think they have time to goof off and play but biblical prophecy is getting more and more accurate so the time to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior is now. I follow a young lady on Twitter and she said something that made a lot of sense,” Accept Jesus now ,before the rapture comes, because after the rapture accepting Jesus will cost you you’re life.”  

Accepting Jesus in today’s society isn’t as cool but this life is only temporary and eternity is forever! Satan knows he will loose that’s why he hates for people to read Revelations because he knows people will get hope in their hearts.



The Illuminati is trying to get the world ready for The New World Order as quickly as they can ,can’t you tell by all of the Satanic movies and TV shows that come on . Disney channel has a lot of history with the occult ,even to this day they Disney is still involved with the occult and they have a lot of subliminal messages on their channel. Please take your time to view the pictures and please note that these are actual pictures none are photo shopped.

download (2)



images (1)
nickelodeon-illuminati the-suite-life-of-zack-and-cody-illuminati tumblr_inline_mm305tywtw1qz4rgp

Rihanna is giving salute to her master , Satan.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

tumblr_inline_mojyfciZB61qz4rgp Little Wayne dressed up as Satan. Not only are his lyrics filthy so are his videos!

This one needs no explanation .
This one needs no explanation .

Self explanatory
Self explanatory

Lady Gaga the same one who said she swears to Lucifer and that Jesus was a king without a crown is on Disney channel , the station your kids USED to watch!
Lady Gaga ,the same person who swears to Lucifer and  said that Jesus is a king without a crown is on Disney channel , the station your kids USED to watch!

Lady Gaga swearing to Lucifer-

I know you probably think I am crazy for saying that but let me explain . Disney has a strong history with the occult and in their shows and movies (Especially Enchanted) the use of magic, occult terms, satanic spells,etc. are at all time high. All you have to do is Google Disney Illuminati and over 1 million results pop up under 30 seconds. I will include images in this post showing you the demonic activity that is going on in Disney studios. By the way Walt Disney was also a 33rd degree mason.

Their is a picture of Jay-Z below supporting Aleister Crowley;His satanic lyrics weren’t enough for him he had to go out and support something like this.He is at a Rihanna video shoot.{“The same type of birds hang out with each other}

Aleister Crowley{The guy who used this quote} who wrote a book on how to kill children to get satanic power and he proclaimed to the world proudly that he ate a woman's feces during bizarre sexual acts that involved worshiping the devil.
Aleister Crowley{The guy who used this quote} who wrote a book on how to kill children to get satanic power and he proclaimed to the world proudly that he ate a woman’s feces during bizarre sexual acts that involved worshiping the devil. He tells his fans to throw up a “Rocker” symbol but actually it’s a satanic symbol.

Don't be fooled because God is NOT mocked.
Don’t be fooled because God is NOT mocked.

The topic of entertainment  industry and it’s involvement in the Illuminati will take at least 30-100 pages but I’m going to try to break it down into a few paragraphs. With the internet being so readily available no one has to be a conspiracy theorists (critical thinker) you can just Google it and whether or not you choose to accept the truth is up to you.


The Beatles have a strong history with the occult especially through their lyrics.
The Beatles have a strong history with the occult especially through their lyrics.

Whenever the topic of conspiracy theories pop up someone asks me if their favorite singer is in it and once I get done explaining it to them their like , ” I need proof!” Even if they did have proof they would be like the other people ,”It’s just a coincidence!”Do you really believe every celebrity throwing up the same sign is a “coincidence?” If you do you are another victim of brainwashing.

Self explanatory
Self explanatory

The thing is the signs (the pyramid) that most celebrities throw up was started by Anton LaVey. Now why on earth would the founder of the “church” of Satan throw up the same signs as celebrities do ?? I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that he is throwing up the SAME EXACT SIGN as ALOT of celebrities do(Sarcasm). The reason a lot of people don’t want to hear about their favorite celebrity being in the Illuminati is because they don’t want their illusion crushed.  Who would want to admit that the singer they used to listen to growing up was actually signing a song about Satan and demons. {The website below is an information site that is very chilling but at the same time informing . It breaks down how many signers including Rihanna and Beyonce are connected with the occult and have had the mark of the beast VISIBLY in their videos. }

A lot of people to this day don’t want to admit that Michael Jackson channeled spirits. He channeled ancient Nephilim spirits to write his songs and he channeled Lee Liberace one of the most flamboyant gays Hollywood has ever seen.

He said he would lock himself up for days and channel spirits which was a contribution to his sleeping problems. The entire Jackson is involved with the occult so this was no surprise to them . I always tell people feel free to Google what I am saying so you can see for yourself. I will attach pictures of Michael Jackson and other celebrities that are and were involved with the occult.

In Galatians 6:7 it tells us we reap what we so someone who channels spirits is doing nothing but making their own life miserable in the long run. We all know Michael Jackson had several problems while he was here on earth (No I am not judging , I am making a point .) and most of them were caused by him channeling spirits. Michael Jackson wasn’t very open about his religious beliefs but he said he did grow up as a Jehovah Witness which is a cult.

The fact is many celebrities whether you want to accept it or not are involved with the occult. A lot of celebrities are asked about their religion and they will say they aren’t religious they are “Spiritual”. A lot of people often say ,” Why should I even care about the Illuminati that stuff doesn’t exist.”

You should be concerned because the Illuminati is running things in Washington and they are doing their best to make sure their mission gets completed. The Illuminati knows the importance of teaching children their ideologies this is why they have prepared a curriculum called Common Core which is an anti-God , anti-family and anti-American curriculum. If you look at public schools in this present day you will see some of the most obscene behaviors in this world and this is due to the breakdown off the family structure, entertainment(TV shows, games, music, some websites, etc.),the school curriculum, etc.

The Illuminati knows that most households in America don’t have one mom and one dad that are married so it’s even easier for them to push their satanic agenda. In fact feminism ,the beginning of the breakdown of the family structure, was the original plan that was started to breakdown the family structure. They knew they couldn’t get their plan through if their was one mom and one dad in the house so they had to make the woman feel like a man and if you are married you know their can’t be two head of the households. God designed each household for their to be one man ( the head of the household and the woman the caregiver.). ( The link below gives the reader a brief history on how feminism was created by the Illuminati to destroy the family structure.)

The Illuminati loves it when people say they aren’t real because that means they are doing their job at brainwashing people. If it was the year 1800 it would be easy for them to say “It’s just a coincidence but we live in the Information Age so their is no excuse to be ignorant of their propaganda techniques which have been used to transform this country in the past 50+ years.

The Illuminati has an obsession with horus  (the symbol of an eye) which you have seen everywhere .CBS even has a slogan out now that goes like this , ” More eyes for the message.” Authentic Christian’s messiah is Jesus Christ but the Illuminati’s messiah is the Antichrist. In  Zechariah 11:16 it says ,”A fatal head wound will permanently damage his arm and right eye.” According to The Bible verse, the Antichrist’s arm will be completely withered and his right eye totally blinded. Now we see the reasons behind the Illuminati using the all seeing eye symbol so much.

According to Proverbs 29:2 When the righteous are in authority , the people rejoice, but when the wicked rules, the people mourn. This explains why everybody is mourning because most of our rulers are wicked and they have too taken an oath to pledge to the New World Order. Recently I saw that were 36 brand new jobs in Maryland in an ice cream factory. Out of those 36 positions 1600 people applied for them; When 1600 people apply for 36 positions that can only mean one thing we are in trouble as country 1

History has shown us that whenever a country has economic troubles people from all educational backgrounds are willing to take any job and that is where we are right now in America. The government will tell you that they are trying to fix the economic problem but in reality they are’t, their trying to make it worse. They know that in order to create a new economy they must crash the current one ,that’s why their spending so much money.

I was reading an article the other day on CSN where they said that the US government pays male prostitutes in Mexico not to get stds. Yes you read that correctly the US government pays people in other countries to do things they should already be doing. They also spent $3 million to help give women in the middle east jobs.

Their spending money that we don’t even have and to make matters worse they don’t even care. Vice President ,Joe Biden, was recently in the news because he and several other government workers managed to rack up a $1 million hotel bill in just two days! They aren’t paying for any of this stuff all of this is coming out of the tax payers pocket . We need a revolution in this country because this country has become to corrupt and it’s getting ridiculous. If I were you I would watch the news very carefully and don’t be fooled by the elitists who use propaganda to brainwash the audience.

For more articles like this please visit my political blog(the link is below);Also don’t forget to view old posts , don’t forget the new posts, on this blog and please subscribe and share this page with others. Thanks.

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Obama,America,and Vaccines

I have been procrastinating for a while now but it’s time to do a blog post. I love to blog but I have been making it so complicated lately. I am working on another blog post as we speak and you don’t want to miss it.


 I want to start off by discussing the State Of Union. As soon as Obama started off his speech he began with the usual feel good psychology;That is the way he won the presidential election twice with charisma and feel good psychology.

He BARELY addressed the real issues he just bought up stuff to take people’s mind of the big picture THIS COUNTRY IS IN TROUBLE FINANCIALLY and SPIRITUALLY . His speech was all smiles and feel good but the  job market isn’t feeling so good. Obama has barely created jobs but his fiction statistics will have you believe that he has done a lot!

30% of jobs that have been created have went to Texas . Why? I’m glad you asked,Texas has a FREE MARKET, LOW TAXES and REPUBLICAN policies. If you’re a Democrat please don’t get offended I’m just telling the truth . Places like Detroit and California have some of the craziest policies in this country and  their economy reflects it. In the next post I will discuss why millions of people are moving to Texas. (Subscribe to my email updates to know when I will publish it.

 A recent poll was taken and they said only 3% of people feel this country is headed towards the right direction. You read it right only 3% , with a failing job market, inflation, a long list of scams, lies, manipulation,etc. I wouldn’t have any hope for this country either but thank God their is a God who sits on the throne.

 Recently some court papers leaked showing that the government spies on people through games like Angry Bird. The article (Source:Fox News) said that a lot of people (including myself but I am more careful now) just download apps without reading the permissions of the app so that’s why the government goes through your pictures and they know all of your secrets. (I know that sounds weird but that’s the truth. )


I was listening to a preacher, John Hagee, and he said he is not worried if the government is listening to him and if they are he will say , “Jesus is Lord and you guys need some help. ” A lot of people are living in a fantasy land they believe the government would never put fluoride and other chemicals in our water.  


The problem nowadays is people are so naive they think the government loves them. The only thing the government is trying to do is initiate the New World Order.The same government that smiles in your face and read you feel good psychology speeches recommend that you take flu shots that have been proven to increase your chances for having cancer,Leukemia,infertility,brain cancer, rotting teeth and  thousands of other problems. Flu shots contain so many poisons inside them that they have to put a may cause death symbol on them .


vaccines_ingredients_are_poisons Vaccines-BHP-copyneedles 172-0927132849

I want my viewers to be informed on how deadly all of these “HELPFUL” vaccines are but yet the doctors recommend them. Let me inform you on something right quick the doctors that recommend these vaccines are paid BIG BUCKS by the government to do that.


Before he information age it was really easy for the government to lie to people but we live in the information age now what’s your excuse for being uninformed? I was uninformed to before I read about this stuff myself. The mainstream news also a product of the government urges people to go get their flu shot. 





Ask yourself what did your ancestors do before all of these vaccines? They ate their non GMO vegetables, ate non GMO fruit,and  they drank plenty of water . Does that sound extreme? No it doesn’t. Children in third world countries are some of the healthiest children on this earth without taking mercury I mean vaccines. 


Time Frame Recommended Vaccines
By Late 1940s Smallpox Diphtheria*
Tetanus* Pertussis*
Time Frame Recommended Vaccines
By Late 1950s Smallpox Diphtheria*
Tetanus* Pertussis*
Polio (IPV)
Time Frame Recommended Vaccines
By Late 1960s Smallpox Diphtheria*
Tetanus* Pertussis*
Polio (OPV) Measles
Mumps Rubella

me Frame Recommended Vaccines
1985 – 1994 Diphtheria* Measles**
Tetanus* Mumps**
Pertussis* Rubella**
Polio (OPV) Hib
1994 – 1995 Diphtheria* Measles**
Tetanus* Mumps**
Pertussis* Rubella**
Polio (OPV) Hib
Hepatitis B
Time Frame Recommended Vaccines
2000 Diphtheria* Measles**
Tetanus* Mumps**
Pertussis* Rubella**
Polio (IPV) Hib
Hepatitis B Varicella
Hepatitis A
2005 Diphtheria* Measles**
Tetanus* Mumps**
Pertussis* Rubella**
Polio (IPV) Hib
Hepatitis B Varicella
Hepatitis A Pneumococcal
2010 Diphtheria* Measles**
Tetanus* Mumps**
Pertussis* Rubella**
Polio (IPV) Hib
Hepatitis B Varicella
Hepatitis A Pneumococcal
Influenza Rotavirus

As you can see the poison I mean vaccine recommendations have grown over time. I will continue to address this subject in the next post and some of my older posts talk about this as well so please check them out.

Please follow me on twitter, my username is jerrwill. Thanks and don’t forget to subscribe to this blog (That way you will know when part two of this comes out. )

The Degradation of today’s Culture and Family life.


If you go back 20-30 years ago a mother (woman) and a father(man) was the norm for most households. Traditionally the dad has always supposed to be the leader of the house. The father is supposed to train his children the way he wants them to end up as adults.(Train a child up in a do what you want home be prepared to post bail. )Fathers would you want your daughter to date a guy like you ?

However you treat your wife your daughter will think that’s how she is supposed to be treated. Some of you fathers cheat on your wife and you THINK no one knows but someone knows;Just remember however you treat your wife your daughter will think that’s how a woman should be treated and she will end up dating a man like YOU.

I will let you take a while to think about that.

Their is this saying which goes like this”Daughters always marry a guy similar to their father.” That quote has some truth to it and their is a principle behind it. Daughters who grow up with a father who loves and cherishes them tend to wait until their married to have sexual relations. This is not entirely true because their are many women who did not grow up with a father but waited until marriage to have sex.

A father is supposed to tell his daughter that he loves her .( He is supposed to tell all his children this but I am focusing on daughters now.) When the daughter knows that she is loved she doesn’t have to go around chasing bad boys because more than likely that won’t excite her.

Now I want to discuss what we talked about earlier,
“Daughters always marry a guy similar to their father.”

If a girl grows up watching her father treat her mother with respect then more than likely she will know what she deserves respect . A girl who grows up watching her father cheat,lie,and live a lifestyle that is offensive to God she probably isn’t going to end up marrying a man who treats her like his queen.

As we can see it’s very important for every child to grow up in a TRADITIONAL household where mom and dad are married.

According to

the cycle of out-of-wedlock children began around 1970. America had just came from one of the worse decades in history (60s) so this played a big role in this.

Studies show children who grow up in a house with traditional parents tend to do better in life. I’m not saying children who didn’t grow up with traditional parents won’t do good I’m just saying it’s better to have a child with a man ( father) and a woman ( mother) .

In the past 40 something years the divorce rate has increased drastically and it has had a huge effect on society. Hollywood is having an effect on to many of our children and the results of that are teenage pregnancy,aids, premarital sex, abortions,drug usage, etc. Parents who don’t have a traditional home need to surround their children around God-fearing,Bible reading people instead of a Vodka drinking,pot smoking crowd.

We as society need to go back to the days where children grew up in traditional homes ;even if your child doesn’t have two parents surround them around a God-fearing group. Far too many people want to fit in and they think it’s cool but 10 years from now they will be a have not(barely making it financially) and the so-called “nerds” will have it all.

I pray in Jesus name that children everywhere will return to Christian standards and start  obeying ALL adults.

Parents you need to start watching what your children are watching I can’t stress it enough. One of the first post I did was named ,”What is being watched in your home?”

During that post I listed the reasons you should guard what is being watched in your home. If you enjoy porn ,shows with a lot of cursing read the link that I have posted above.

Now I know that their are some people who will deny this even though statistics show it. For some reasons it’s easier for some people to make babies instead of creating families. According to the Bible we are supposed to wait until marriage to have sex.

 Hebrews 13:4
Psalms 119:9
1Timothy 4:12
Galatians 5:19-21
1 Thessalonians 4:3-8

*Don’t forget that their are many more Bible verses that tell us that purity is a great thing.

I’m not going to pretend that all people actually wait until marriage to have sex but you should. Alot of people wear purity rings to represent their purity ;But if you know that you are a virgin why would you have to wear a purity ring to show it ? By the way their are many other Bible verses that talk about purity I just chose this one.

Now I know some people are going to try to find loopholes in the scripture but the Bible is very clear on waiting until marriage to have sex. If you have had sex before marriage ask God for forgiveness. Alot of people don’t like to read the Bible because they know God will hold them accountable for their sins because they know what their doing is wrong.

The Bible even tells us that our sexual immorality brings results (HIV,AIDS, and other STDs) . (1 Corinthians 6:18)

Alot of people want to fit in and have earthly pleasures but we aren’t here to have earthly pleasures were here to praise God . I’m not saying sex is a bad thing ,its bad before marriage but its not bad when you’re married. Alot of people say that people who say premarital sex is wrong are judging.

I’m not judging but God is. Let me clarify that , God loves all of us but when he tells us to do something he expects us to do it without questioning it. God gives us many chances through the blood of Christ but if God asks us not to do something let’s respect him enough to do it.

God has been good to all of us and we should have the decency to obey his commands and rules. God is the same God that he was in The Bible (more merciful) and he still operates the same way. Some people seem to think God “goes with the flow ” that is completely wrong.

The same God that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah can destroy America but mercy is what’s saving us. Just because homosexuality is accepted in the earthly courts doesn’t mean that he accepts it. If God accepted homosexuality he wouldn’t have destroyed two cities for it.

We have so called preachers that preach that God loves all;God does love everyone he just doesn’t like our sin. God isn’t playing with anyone but let some preachers tell it he is the leader of the LGBT club . God word is the same as it was 2,000 years ago and it will remain the same.

We as Christians should be careful what translation of the Bible we use because some translations go against what the Bible says. Now I know I was supposed to be discussing the degradation of today’s culture and family but everything I am talking about is related. Some translations of the Bible go against the original Bible .

Alot of current day translations mock Jesus and his word the translations water down the true Bible. The Bible even says that his (Jesus) word needs no addition or subtraction( His word needs nothing new added or anything taken out. ) .

People have been applying biblical principles to their life since the beginning of time and they have succeeded. Just remember to always obey God and do what he says.

Their is one thing I want to discuss before I end this post. The 10 commandments are not a summarization of The Bible the entire Bible is important not just one part. Psalms is just as important as Genesis. Please share this post with many people as possible and don’t forget to read all of my other blog posts.


There is a book about the degrading of the family unit and how that’s the cause of whats going on in today’s culture.

The link to the book is:




Thanks and Update!

Hello everyone and thanks for taking the time to read my blog, I am going to ask one thing from all of my readers and guests ;And that is to share this blog with many people as you can . 

I am trying to get more readers in different states, different countries, etc. I would like to have 1,000 readers in a day ! I know that sounds unrealistic to some of you but I believe with some teamwork we can quickly accomplish this goal and don’t forget to share this blog on your social networks.

I hope you all have read my newest post titled, “Is the Illuminati Real?” I worked on that post along time and according to my statistics page some quite a few people (more than 20 ) have read it and I appreciate that. A whole ago I did a post talking about how Christian Aguilera was nude and I talked about how she was making her self look bad by posing nude.I never meant for that post to be a hit but according to the statistics its a hit! More than 200 people have viewed that article and I am glad, I hope music artists particularly females learn that they don’t have to be a prostitute to the world to make a couple of bucks,

Also when you get a chance please add me on Facebook my name on Facebook is the same name that is on here and when you send a friend request on Facebook please tell me who you are so I can know to add you.While we are on the topic of Facebook I am thinking about starting a Facebook group named Critical Thinkers(I will talk more about this during the next post.).

I am planning on doing a post named the ,”Degradation of the Family and Culture in America” .I am very excited about doing this post because it will sort of fill readers in why we as America are in the situation were in now.

If you have not subscribed to my blog please subscribe and in the future I may start doing newsletters so please be on the lookout!

Don’t forget to share my blog with family,friends,associates,etc.

The link is here :


Until next time,God bless you!






UPDATED: Weekly Update

If you are a conspiracy theorist you are going to love my new post that is coming out Friday night(11/8 or 11/15)! The post will discuss popular conspiracy theorists beliefs and how they affect me and you and I am going to discuss some more things.

*I am going to start doing a good news section on here as well; Their is so much bad news in the world we need a reminder that their is plenty of good stuff still happening everyday on this beautiful earth.

If you have not subscribed to my blog please subscribe and feel free to share with anyone and don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @ 1JeremyRW .



Through it all God is still in charge

I am sure a lot of you have been upset over the government shutdown like me but we must keep in mind that God is still on the thrown.We must admit that we have childish and immature politicians who are in charge of this country. The crazy part about it is that taxes are still coming out of hard-working American’s paychecks. Barack Obama is still getting paid along with other politicians but you won’t hear that on CNN or any other mainstream news.

More and more people are becoming informed about what is really going on behind closed doors. The thing about mainstream news is that it chooses on what to tell and what not. Several years ago some emails leaked showing how CEO’s of these mainstream media news tell the reporters what to talk about and what not to talk about.


Of course this isn’t being talked about on the news all you hear about is the Kardashians, Obama’s life, and how ObamaCare is going to save you millions ( When in reality its going to cost you millions).


I am not against the Kardashians or anything but I think there are more important things on going on in the world besides North West. Speaking of The Kardashians there are so many reality shows that are full of crap but as soon as a reality television show like Duck Dynasty comes on then the whole country claims they are offended. People nowadays get offended over the smallest things. Get offended over Jersey Shore or some other stupid reality show but Duck Dynasty has great family values and it is a show that even kids can watch. We all know that nowadays kids have to cover their ears while watching television. Recently The Roberston’s ( The Duck Dynasty family name) were in some hot water because A&E wanted them to stop praying. Have they forgotten that all Americans have freedom of speech.

How come Ellen DeGeneres gets to express her views on things but as soon as a bible believing Christian family comes along and prays the whole country goes crazy! That is one of the reason this country is such in a mess because we have taken Jesus out of everything and secularized it all.

The Obama Administration is one of the worse administrations this country has ever seen. While Muslims have gained millions of new freedoms Christians have lost many freedoms. Many Christians are standing up for what our country has been built on.


I have meaning to do another blog post for a while especially with all of the stuff that is going on now in Washington but while I am typing I want to discuss another thing and that is the Republican Party.

The Republican Party is known for standing for pro-life , traditional marriage , cutting the spending, and creating jobs.Many Republicans now are starting to gear towards the liberal side on things and that’s called being a liberal on the social issues. Many people like Meghan McCain believe that gay marriage should be legal while people like her dad, John McCain believe marriage should remain between one man and one woman.


Hopefully after reading the article I just posted above this you stand for traditional marriage (one man and one woman ) only. So many Christians stand for gay marriage nowadays and I have one question for them , “What kind of bible are your reading ?” God called homosexuality an abomination so why on earth would you as his child support it ? There’s something wrong in this country when people who call themselves bible believing Christians support this thing called an abomination. I get that God is love but God means what he says and he says that gay marriage is an abomination. I get that Republicans are trying to gain more votes but they must not lean towards supporting an abomination.


{ I am quoting the following passage below from }

In his excellent study, When Nations Die, Jim Nelson Black identifies ten factors that have appeared in great civilizations of the past and led to their decline and fall. In some cultures, Black observes, as few as three or four of these symptoms of social, cultural, and moral decline would be enough to bring a society to the point of imminent collapse. The list includes

1. Increase in lawlessness

2. Loss of economic discipline

3. Rising bureaucracy

4. Decline in education

5. Weakening of cultural foundations

6. Loss of respect for traditions

7. Increase in materialism

8. Rise in immorality

9. Decay of religious belief

10. Devaluing of human life  “

Must I say any more ? People like Meghan McCain who call themselves Christians are supporting things that can end the American empire as we know it. I can not stand back and watch this thing called an abomination be legalized.


According to Leviticus 18:22 the bible says ,”Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination.”The definition of abomination is a thing that causes disgust or hatred. People nowadays seem to have no type of morals. If God wanted marriage to be between the same genders he would have said that in the bible. I urge the Republican Party to stick with traditional marriage which has many benefits.

Im sure most of you have been having questions about ObamaCare and if so I have pasted a link below that will answer all your questions about ObamaCare.


The thing all Americans should be asking themselves is if ObamaCare is so good then how come all of the people below have exemptions. Please don’t be fooled by the mainstream media news , the author of ObamaCare doesn’t even want ObamaCare. That’s like a chef cooking something and refusing to eat it. I will tell you why Obama doesn’t want ObamaCare its because he knows it going to be a disaster. If you are familiar with the term Illuminati ,and conspiracy theorists then you know that Obama is not the one who is really in charge he is just a puppet . The person who typed all 1000+ pages of Obama Care knew exactly what they were doing .




We as Americans must stand up for what is right or one day when we have grandchildren we will end up telling them how the old America used to be.Please tell me what you think about this blog post and don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and subscribe to my blog.

Its Never Too Late

It’s Never to Late



Alot of people don’t know that its never too late to accomplish your dreams. Tina Turner one of my favorite singers started her solo career in her mid 40s and she is one of the most successful recording artists of all times.


She knew that she couldn’t let her circumstances controls her destiny. Life will always hand us a plate of mystery meats but we have to be willing to find out what it is.


To wait until all circumstances are correct is a bad idea. What I’m trying to say is waiting until everything seems right is a bad idea because everything will never be perfect in life. I know that sounds negative but its the truth. 

When life hands you sweet tea get your sugar out and make it sweet! Satan loves for people to be discouraged. The Bible even says that Satan is only here to kill,steal,take,and destroy like a roaring lion.


I know people who used to be mentally stable but they didn’t know that they could control their thinking. God has given us sound ability over our thinking.


Satan wont be satisfied until we have basically lost our minds. Some people go to counselors and thats fine but if you’re still in counseling after 20 years something is wrong with that. If you are going to counseling you should be making so much process that you are helping someone else with the same issue. 


We should all be making progress thats what life really is anyway in a sense. If you aren’t progressing then what are you doing? For some people it takes longer to recooperate and that is ok, God loves them the same as the person who quickly recovers. A lot of people claim that God only loves people that are squeaky clean but the truth is God loves everyone.


God’s grace has no stops. His mercy has no stops it extends to everyone.


A lot of people have a lot of misinterpretations of God thats why people think that God is mad at them. God loves everyone but he does not want us to stay like we  are.


God has proved to be a legit God through evidence , architecture, etc. In the Bible God talks about giants and they were called Nephilims. Recently Nephilim skulls and bones were found exactly where the bible describes them. Their is so much evidence pointing out that The Bible is a true work from the one and only God.


We live in a secular culture that tries to make Christians look stupid but we are indeed are living in the last days and Biblical prophecy being fulfilled as I type this .


Earlier in this post I gave an example of how Tina Turner was in her mid 40s when she started accomplishing her dreams. The founder of KFC started his business when he was 75. Most people nowadays think that just because they get old that they can quit living the life that God has given them.


That is nothing but a lie society has produced. For everyday that God gives you he wants you to accomplish something . I don’t mean that you have to go out and get a PH.D. but I mean accomplish something. 


Give someone a compliment, pick up litter, fullfil a dream. restore a relationship, etc. Do something dont take a single day for granted because time is a gift that many arent afforded.